Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Breaking Off! "Where do you find your heart?"

    So after some time to think about this I think that I will be working more on my dreams rather than on things that are platonic. This blog will continue on my own schedule, I am not sure when that will be yet but stay tuned because I will be posting. Anyways now that that is out of the way, this weeks discussion is a question that has bugged me for some time now. Where do you find your "heart?" Now I don't mean your organ, I mean where do you find what things mean to you?

    It is funny, because people say things like, "You mean everything to me..." How can any one person or thing mean "everything" to someone? If they truly meant everything then they would be both good and bad. But all of that is besides the point. Back on topic, when you think of finding your heart you think of finding who you are as a person and who you want to be, and what feels right to you. Now when I was asked this question I thought about it so much that it made me kind of sad. It is hard to explain but when you are young and you are stuck in this crowd of not knowing who you are or where you are going, it can be very scary. Growing up is one of the scariest things a person can go through. You think about how things can go wrong, then you feel things begin to slip through your fingers and finally you feel like it is coming to and end. It is all quite depressing really. But we as humans never stop to think, "What if everything turns out right?" We are always asking, "What if it doesn't work, then what?" Well I know from experience that some things come and some things go and before you know it you are lost again. But the best way to fight that darkness and stress you feel building is to use "light". Now again i don't mean in a literal since, think figuratively. If you are in a dark room, how do you combat the darkness? That's right, you turn on the lights. Some lights are dimmer than others and some are way brighter, but a light cuts through the darkness none the less.

    Now let me put it to you this way, You are feeling down because something didn't quite go your way, either you wanted something good to happen and it didn't or something like that. How do you get out of that rut? You do something else. People are always so focused on one thing! "It has to be this way, or no way," That way of thinking is quite sad. If you only see half of a picture then you are missing out. Never view a situation as being "the only way" because 9 times out of 10 there are 100 other ways to go about it. For example, in high school I had a friend who had dating problems; she would be with a guy for a while and think, "Oh it must be love, this will last forever, and if it doesn't then life is over," It is kind of sad, but it happens so often in young women. Anyways this girl always ended up getting dumped because she was kind of clingy, and each time it was "the end of the world," but then she would rebound and the cycle would restart. But the thing is, "If you always do, what you always did, then you will always get what you always got." This is very true. She did the same thing over and over again, and wondered why she always got the same results.

    The moral of this is, if you are every feeling like you are stuck in a rut, do something else. Obviously doing the same thing is going to get you nowhere. Now I am sure you are sitting here wondering what all of this has to do with finding your "heart", right? Well, honestly it has everything to do with it. Allow me to explain. To find your heart you must first know yourself. Knowing who you are, what you want to be, and what you consider right or wrong, should always be your first step. Next you will need to find a method that works for you. There are many types of people in this world, all you have to do is look in the mirror and find what type you are. Never be ashamed to show people that you are you. They can't judge you without judging themselves. "If they know you, like you know you, then they themselves are like you, and ergo can't judge anything!"I will be the first to tell you, I am a guy who holds stuff back, I hide how I am feeling, I don't share things, I am afraid to hurt people's feelings, I am very complacent with just doing nothing, manual labor is not something I see myself doing, and I am quite lazy; but all in all, I am proud of myself, because when I look back I see a person who has already exceeded every one's expectations for me. I still will go for my goals but I need to slow down a bit, I feel like I need to rush for some reason. Anyways the final step to finding your heart is to appreciate the other side. Compassion for something that you don't believe in is the greatest thing. To show that you have enough moral passion to even care about something that some one believes in is amazing. Never take one side, remain neutral, even if the argument is stupid. Always look for new knowledge, never make a decision without all of the facts, and sooner or later you will find your heart.

    I have not found mine yet, but I am working on it, I promise here and now to never take one side over the other, and to have compassion for both answers, whether true or false; because depending on where you are standing in the world(argument) the view is quite different! Thank you guys for reading. I hope you guys have a great day!

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