Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?

This was a topic chosen by a twitter follower, if you have a topic you would like us to do, please tweet us at @AllisonKClark88 or @theofficialjcc and let us know

Ok here is the deal, I could sit here and describe the perfect guy for me, however the odds are that I would never find him or if I did he would either already be married or gay. So to go along with the topic if I were to describe the perfect guy: a country boy, nice abs, sweet, knows how to treat a lady, but can stand up for himself, and still take care of me. So doing that, I pretty much described every southern boy there is, and my odds of ending up with someone like that are slim to none. I understand someones need to personalize everything including their significant other, but there are just somethings that shouldn't be or can't be personalized like that. My main reason for saying this I have had two serious boyfriends in my life and neither of them fit this description. So if I would describe my ideal mate, it would have to be inter qualities, not looks; a lot of women would turn down a man if he didn't fit her ideal looks, the bad part is the man who does fit her ideal looks, wouldn't treat her any where near as great as the one who didn't. So you have a choice of two guys; the nerd, he will treat you like a princess; then you've got the jock, he may be better looking but he knows he's good looking and he is more than likely going to treat you like a princess, but you probably aren't his only princess. So if I had to choose between the nerd and the jock, I would have to choose the nerd.

So I'm posing a question to Jonathan: If you had to choose, the nerd or the cheerleader? Or What is your Ideal girlfriend? And to our readers; Nerd or Jock/Cheerleader? or what is your ideal mate? Let us know on twitter. @AllisonKClark88 or @TheOfficialJCC

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