Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is Your Ideal Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

I guess I will start by answering the question posed by Allison: "If you had to choose, the nerd or the cheerleader?". I would also have to say the nerd, and here is why, growing up I was rather popular but all of my true friends were a tad on the nerdy side, but they were the greatest friends ever. So I would have been lucky to have any of them as my girlfriend. Unfortunately it didn't happen so no harm no foul. 
Now allow me to describe my ideal girlfriend for you.

I love a woman who is comfortable in her own skin, she can wear jeans or sweatpants, whatever she wants and still be comfortable. I love brunettes, not too big on blonds or red-heads. I want a girl who is in to diversity and is someone whom I can have an educated conversation with, but still have fun. I want a woman who is confident in herself as well as in me, and I want a woman who is supportive and kind. To me looks do not matter much, personality and attitude matter a lot. I don't want a girlfriend who is obsessed with something like religion. Getting right down to it there are not that many women in the world that I could honestly say are "ideal" for me. It is sad that I am so picky but if a women doesn't think before doing something then that is an automatic no in my book. 

However I agree with Allison, as I too have dated people far from my ideal, because there are few who meet my ideal standards. Granted I will probably continue to date people from outside of my ideal girlfriend. I get friend-zoned a lot by women that I would consider ideal, and that sucks. But you can't define your life by how many girlfriends you've had or by how your girlfriend looks, they aren't property, they are humans with free will and deserve to be treated as such. 

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