Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What was the best video game, movie, and song of 2012?

    This question came to me from one of my twitter followers: "In your opinion, what was the best video game you played in 2012, or the best movie you watched, or the best song. None of these have to have been created in 2012 they just have to be significant to you in 2012. Thanks for answering, if you do."

    This is a great question and instead of answering one part of it I will answer all three. Allow me to start with the video game I spent the most hours on during 2012, and that would be Saints Row: The Third! I loved the art style, since I have never played any of the other Saints Row games, I do not know much about them. I also loved the story and the ability to go anywhere in the city and just blow crap up or slap a pedestrian with a big purple dildo on a baseball bat. The game was absolutely amazing. Not to say that there weren't other games that I enjoyed. Moving right along.

    For me 2012 was an overall disappointing year. Some great movies fell through my radar because they weren't advertised properly. And yet some movies were over-hyped and raised my expectations and then completely sucked! Some of my top picks of movies in 2012 were: The Hunger Games, DREDD, Ted, Prometheus, Brave, The Hobbit, The Avengers, Life of PI, and The Dark Knight Rises. That is not to say that all of the others sucked. As I stated I didn't see many of them because some of them were not advertised well enough for me to go see them. One movie I did go see, that I didn't like that much was 007: SkyFall, I was hyped big time for this movie but it was such a let down, to me anyways.

    My favorite song of 2012 would have to be "People Like Us" by Kelly Clarkson. I loved any song by Katy Perry also, but "People Like Us" was such a great message that I could hold on to.

    I do not own the rights to any of these pictures or meanings held within them, All rights belong to their respective owners, Thank You. Have a question you would like to see answered? Tweet us on twitter @TheOfficialJCC or @AllisonKClark88! Have a Great day and see you guys next time!

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