Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Breaking Off! "Where do you find your heart?"

    So after some time to think about this I think that I will be working more on my dreams rather than on things that are platonic. This blog will continue on my own schedule, I am not sure when that will be yet but stay tuned because I will be posting. Anyways now that that is out of the way, this weeks discussion is a question that has bugged me for some time now. Where do you find your "heart?" Now I don't mean your organ, I mean where do you find what things mean to you?

    It is funny, because people say things like, "You mean everything to me..." How can any one person or thing mean "everything" to someone? If they truly meant everything then they would be both good and bad. But all of that is besides the point. Back on topic, when you think of finding your heart you think of finding who you are as a person and who you want to be, and what feels right to you. Now when I was asked this question I thought about it so much that it made me kind of sad. It is hard to explain but when you are young and you are stuck in this crowd of not knowing who you are or where you are going, it can be very scary. Growing up is one of the scariest things a person can go through. You think about how things can go wrong, then you feel things begin to slip through your fingers and finally you feel like it is coming to and end. It is all quite depressing really. But we as humans never stop to think, "What if everything turns out right?" We are always asking, "What if it doesn't work, then what?" Well I know from experience that some things come and some things go and before you know it you are lost again. But the best way to fight that darkness and stress you feel building is to use "light". Now again i don't mean in a literal since, think figuratively. If you are in a dark room, how do you combat the darkness? That's right, you turn on the lights. Some lights are dimmer than others and some are way brighter, but a light cuts through the darkness none the less.

    Now let me put it to you this way, You are feeling down because something didn't quite go your way, either you wanted something good to happen and it didn't or something like that. How do you get out of that rut? You do something else. People are always so focused on one thing! "It has to be this way, or no way," That way of thinking is quite sad. If you only see half of a picture then you are missing out. Never view a situation as being "the only way" because 9 times out of 10 there are 100 other ways to go about it. For example, in high school I had a friend who had dating problems; she would be with a guy for a while and think, "Oh it must be love, this will last forever, and if it doesn't then life is over," It is kind of sad, but it happens so often in young women. Anyways this girl always ended up getting dumped because she was kind of clingy, and each time it was "the end of the world," but then she would rebound and the cycle would restart. But the thing is, "If you always do, what you always did, then you will always get what you always got." This is very true. She did the same thing over and over again, and wondered why she always got the same results.

    The moral of this is, if you are every feeling like you are stuck in a rut, do something else. Obviously doing the same thing is going to get you nowhere. Now I am sure you are sitting here wondering what all of this has to do with finding your "heart", right? Well, honestly it has everything to do with it. Allow me to explain. To find your heart you must first know yourself. Knowing who you are, what you want to be, and what you consider right or wrong, should always be your first step. Next you will need to find a method that works for you. There are many types of people in this world, all you have to do is look in the mirror and find what type you are. Never be ashamed to show people that you are you. They can't judge you without judging themselves. "If they know you, like you know you, then they themselves are like you, and ergo can't judge anything!"I will be the first to tell you, I am a guy who holds stuff back, I hide how I am feeling, I don't share things, I am afraid to hurt people's feelings, I am very complacent with just doing nothing, manual labor is not something I see myself doing, and I am quite lazy; but all in all, I am proud of myself, because when I look back I see a person who has already exceeded every one's expectations for me. I still will go for my goals but I need to slow down a bit, I feel like I need to rush for some reason. Anyways the final step to finding your heart is to appreciate the other side. Compassion for something that you don't believe in is the greatest thing. To show that you have enough moral passion to even care about something that some one believes in is amazing. Never take one side, remain neutral, even if the argument is stupid. Always look for new knowledge, never make a decision without all of the facts, and sooner or later you will find your heart.

    I have not found mine yet, but I am working on it, I promise here and now to never take one side over the other, and to have compassion for both answers, whether true or false; because depending on where you are standing in the world(argument) the view is quite different! Thank you guys for reading. I hope you guys have a great day!

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Apple or Android? Mac or PC?

Believe it or not that is a hard question.

I have an iPhone (Apple), an (Android) tablet, and a Compaq laptop, so I'm all mixed up. I'm not a particular fan of my iPhone, but it was a Christmas present, so I'm stuck with it for another year and a half, but I will tell you my next one will not be an iPhone. I'm satisfied with my tablet, occasionally it makes me mad, but for the most part I'm satisfied. My laptop I love, I had the choice of whatever laptop I wanted, and I choose this one because it was similar to my previous one and it as simple to use. Jonathan has a mac book, I didn't like it.

So I really can't answer that question, aside from the fact I'm not a big apple or mac fan. I'm good with android and PC.

So what about you, what do you prefer? Let us know via twitter @AllisonKClark88 and @TheofficialJCC you can also shoot us a topic for next week's blog there too! Have a fantastic week!

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Apple or Android? Mac or PC?

      I do not own this picture! All rights are reserved by OSXDaily.com! Thank You.

  So I have been asked this question many times. Are you an Apple Inc. person or are you for the other side? Well in my opinion neither is actually better than the other, it really just comes down to personal preference and what you find the best. When I got the first I-Phone I thought it was complete crap. But I hated my android phone more than anything, it was buggy and froze a metric shit-ton. Now Since I got the I-Phone 4s a while back, I do not think that I will ever have another phone that isn't an I-Phone, unless Apple Inc. really screws up big time. I have had absolutely no problems with my I-Phone, though I know some people who have had a ton of problems. So for me it's I-Phone all the way on this one.

    Now as for the Mac vs PC one I will get into a tad more detail as to my answer. I absolutely love my MacBook, and I used a Mac in my graphics design class and it was the best computer ever but only for work purposes. My Mac absolutely tanks at gaming which sucks. This is where I also love PCs because they are way more stable with gaming software. So for this one I would have to say I love both. I love my Mac for busy work and YouTube but I love PCs for gaming!

    Let me know what you think, Are you Mac or PC? Do you prefer Android or I-Phone? Let me know on Twitter. Tweet me @TheOfficialJCC! Have a Great week guys, and if you get bored you can go check out the other blog page, http://ramblingsbyakcjcc.blogspot.com! Make sure to Follow me and my cousin on Twitter @AllisonKClark88 and @TheOfficialJCC! Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Do you miss being in school?

    I also am one who loved school, I was in the popular group at my old high school and not too bad off at college either. I graduated high school in 2011 but I am still in college. Some things came up and I had to take this year off of college and I was just talking the other day about how I wish I had homework to do because that always made me stand out in class. I was the over achiever that always tried my absolute hardest to get things done and done perfectly. No one in my family has ever actually gone to college and gotten a degree that helped them get a job so I want to be different. I am going to school for Mediation/ Arbitration/ and Litigation so that I can be exactly where I want and maybe some day join the CIA as an Intelligence Agent. So do I miss school? Yes, because every year I take off, feels like a year that I am going backwards away from my goal and not towards it. It is crazy I know but I always loved school.

Do you miss being in school?

As the first day of school approaches fast, I keep thinking about being back in school, weather it be high school or college. As I was walking through the back to school section at Wal-Mart, which by the way is the best time to buy office supplies, I realized how much I actually miss school. You know when we were in school we couldn't wait to grow up and get out, WE WERE CRAZY, what were we thinking!!!!!!!!!! Being an adult sucks right now, I want to go back to a simpler time when there wasn't as much responsibility involved. I miss being in school, of course I am thinking about going back to get a higher degree, however it will be doing it online as not to interfere with my working, you know there aren't a lot of things that I regret, however not going away to college is probably one of the things I do regret. I so miss being in school, some of you may think I'm crazy, I always loved school and learning, as a matter of fact I am still learning with my job so I do enjoy my job, but I still miss being in school. Those of you still in school thinking I'm nuts, in a few years you will see what I mean, I've been out of high school for 7 years and out of college for almost a year, I truly miss it.

So what do you think? Do you miss being in school? Let us know via twitter, @AllisonKClark88 and @TheOfficialJCC you can also tweet us a new topic for next weeks blog.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What was the best video game, movie, and song of 2012?

This is a very good topic...

I don't play many video games, however I am totally addicted to The Sims 3, I spent over a hundred hours in one month playing it!

I have gotten in the habit of not going to the theater because the price isn't worth it. I will watch the movie once it come out on DVD or to Netflix.
I would have to say that "The Lucky One" would have been one of the best, of course I'm a huge Nichols Sparks fan.
The Lucky One (2012) Poster
I lied I did go see Magic Mike in theaters but I didn't pay for it, it was my birthday present from my step mom.
Magic Mike (2012) Poster
As I have grown so has my musical taste. I would have to say my favorite song of 2012 was "Blown Away" by Carrie Underwood
File:Carrie Underwood - Blown Away (single).png
I do not own any of these pictures, they are the property of their owners who own the rights and respects there within.
What do you think? Let us know via twitter @AllisonKClark88 or @TheOfficialJCC also let us know if you have a question that you want answered in a future blog.

What was the best video game, movie, and song of 2012?

    This question came to me from one of my twitter followers: "In your opinion, what was the best video game you played in 2012, or the best movie you watched, or the best song. None of these have to have been created in 2012 they just have to be significant to you in 2012. Thanks for answering, if you do."

    This is a great question and instead of answering one part of it I will answer all three. Allow me to start with the video game I spent the most hours on during 2012, and that would be Saints Row: The Third! I loved the art style, since I have never played any of the other Saints Row games, I do not know much about them. I also loved the story and the ability to go anywhere in the city and just blow crap up or slap a pedestrian with a big purple dildo on a baseball bat. The game was absolutely amazing. Not to say that there weren't other games that I enjoyed. Moving right along.

    For me 2012 was an overall disappointing year. Some great movies fell through my radar because they weren't advertised properly. And yet some movies were over-hyped and raised my expectations and then completely sucked! Some of my top picks of movies in 2012 were: The Hunger Games, DREDD, Ted, Prometheus, Brave, The Hobbit, The Avengers, Life of PI, and The Dark Knight Rises. That is not to say that all of the others sucked. As I stated I didn't see many of them because some of them were not advertised well enough for me to go see them. One movie I did go see, that I didn't like that much was 007: SkyFall, I was hyped big time for this movie but it was such a let down, to me anyways.

    My favorite song of 2012 would have to be "People Like Us" by Kelly Clarkson. I loved any song by Katy Perry also, but "People Like Us" was such a great message that I could hold on to.

    I do not own the rights to any of these pictures or meanings held within them, All rights belong to their respective owners, Thank You. Have a question you would like to see answered? Tweet us on twitter @TheOfficialJCC or @AllisonKClark88! Have a Great day and see you guys next time!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Is there a need to lose weight?

    Well, like Allison, I am also rather on the big side. Almost everyone in our family is, but lets not check that one to genetics because its more than likely not. I am 6 foot 5 inches, or 167.64 cm tall, and weight 205 pounds or about 93 kilograms. Now to look at these numbers their doesn't appear to be any problem, in fact my doctor and personal trainer told me that my weight was the perfect amount for someone my age and my height. However; my BMI (Body Mass Index) clearly shows that I have for fat weight than muscle weight.
    So is there a need to lose weight? My answer is also no, but mine is because I need to change fat weight into muscle weight, and since muscle weights more than fat, I am going to gain wait more than likely. Either way there is a difference between being heavy and being obese. There are a ton of factors that go in to this, to be truly healthy being obese is not the way to go. What you see on the outside isn't what you need to worry about its all of the stuff on the inside. Glucose, Triglycerides, Fatty Acids, these are all things that are effected by being heavier than your body structure can handle. Also if fatty acids build up around your heart you will more than likely have a blood clot.
    I am not saying that it is bad to be obese, I have been big almost my entire life, but it isn't good for your physical health as well as your mental health. Being made fun of as a kid I know what it is like to be called a name because of your weight. After years of self esteem issues I learned a few things. One thing I learned was that if you didn't fit to the perfect little mold, then it didn't matter what you would look like, you would be made fun of. And I also learned that while words do hurt, they are just words, and you should not let those words get to you. You are you for a reason. JUST BE YOU!

Have a Great week! If you have any questions or comments tweet me @TheOfficialJCC on twitter!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Is there a need to loose weight?

I got this idea from a story I read on Yahoo! I am a big girl, those of you that know me know this, you also know that I have always been this way, I think there is a difference between being skinny and being healthy. I honestly don't think that you need to loose weight if you are in good health. By good health I mean no diabetes or high blood pressure. Weight is just a number, if your other numbers aren't being affected by this number, I don't believe their is a need to change it. Now wanting to change it or having to change it is a different story, but just changing it to appease someone else isn't worth it. If you are healthy, and happy with the way you look, that is all that matters.

Here is the link to the story: http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/girlfriend-weighs-more-170300690.html

I think I need a guy like the one in this story. I fully support this couple and I hope that after reading the story you will too.

Let us know what you think via twitter @AllisonKClark88 and @TheOfficialJCC also let us know if you have any ideas for next week's topics.    

Monday, July 15, 2013

Where are you storing your cell/smart phone? Could it be dangerous to your health?

This was a great topic Jonathan, my step mom sent me this video on facebook because I had a bad habit when I was in college to stick my phone in my bra. I am glad I stopped, espically after reading Jonathan's post and seeing this video. I stopped sticking my phone in my bra wen I got an iPhone, mainly because unless it is its case, since the phone is made of glass it doesn't stay put. I hope you stop putting your phone anywhere that it can harm you. Mine is either laying on my desk or in my purse. All women need to watch this video especially if this is a bad habit that you have.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Where are you storing your cell/smart phone? Could it be dangerous to your health?

First let me start by saying that We are officially going back to our original schedule, now that I am back from New York. I was going to blog from there but I did not have a reliable Internet source. Anyways the trip wasn't that great for me. But moving on to this weeks topic.

A recent collaborative study done by the Harvard Science Center, in America, and the University of Bristol Science Center, in the UK, showed that even though cell phones do not cause cancer directly, like it had believed to do before, they can still cause harm to many parts of your body. Cell phone emit radio wave that go directly into your body, when you use them. Each phone releases a different amount of these waves, called a SAR, or Specific Absorption Rate. 

If you use your cell/smart phone as a regular phone that you put up to your ear to talk, then you may want to put that phone on speaker and place it away from your body, the radio waves that are emitted during a cell phone call are quite a bit higher than when it is idle. The best way to counter this effectively is to hold the phone away from your head, or go hands free, not with a head set though because it releases the same radiation as the cell/smart phone. 

Women, if you keep your cell/smart phone in your bra, be careful because that can cause lumps to form due to the radio waves and those lumps can be cancerous. It doesn't seem to be a direct cause but it makes it a ton more likely for you to get breast cancer, so please be careful, after all you have pockets. 

Men, I am not sure why you would, but do not put your cell phones in your lap or down your pants, if you do, then you are about 15% more likely to get testicular cancer than a man who doesn't. But that is not all that it does, if you plan on having kids both men and women need to keep their, cell/smart phone away from their private areas, because it decreases your fertility rating by up to 50%. that is huge!

There are a few ways to counter these radio waves, one good way is, to store your phone away from your body, like in a pocket or purse. When you get a call do not put the phone up to your ear, and do not wear a head set, put it on speaker and hold it away from your head. Keep all SAR devices away from any private parts of your bodies, and lastly check out the SAR ratings on your individual phones before purchasing, some have less SAR ratings. I am not saying to stop using your phone, I could never go without my phone, but please be careful, radio waves going into the body is not a natural thing and could cause problems down the line. Thank you for reading, if you have a question that you would like to have answered please feel free to leave a comment or tweet us on twitter @theofficialjcc or @allisonkclark88. Have a great week guys and girls!  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What is your dream job?

A few years ago that would've been a really hard question, but now after college and starting my own business, it seems very simple.

Despite owning a bookkeeping company and having an accounting degree, I would really like to be an author, any of you that know me well, know I love to write, that is one of the reasons I do these blogs. I have quite a few books started, but none of them finished, the bad part even if I did finish them I wouldn't know how to go about publishing them. I am working as a freelance writer for a couple of online companies, so I guess it is a start in becoming a writer.

Friday, June 07, 2013

What is your dream job?

I think the real question here is, What is your dream job? And are you chasing that dream job, do you have that dream job already, or is it just a dream?
For me I am currently in college so that  I can get my dream job and possibly have one of the most amazing jobs ever. I have always wanted to be a mediator/arbitrator/litigator. As a mediator I want to help people and companies to come to a mutual agreement without having to pay the enormous fine that come from going to court, this way everyone wins. Unfortunately this is not an easy job to obtain. You have to get a degree in either Paralegal or Internal Law Affairs just to start out and then you have to have at least 5 years in that field before you can move up to mediation, which requires yet another degree in conflict resolution, business law, and a BAR association license. It is really hard, but I am on my way there and with any luck and a ton of work I will hopefully be a mediator by the time I am 30. Which is young for a mediator. If you want to know more about what a mediator job is like, you can check out the TV show Fairly Legal and watch what Kate Reed, Played by Sarah Shahi; It is such a great show and I would really love to have her job.
So let us know if you have any questions or anything like that, on twitter or face book. And also let us know what is your dream job or career. And have a great week. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Great "What if..."

If I had the chance to change something or to change everything, I would be a completely different person, I would change where I live, where I am going, who I am going to be and I would even change what I am now. I know this sounds a tad harsh, but you really need to like yourself to like anything or anyone else. At this point in time in my life, I don't quite know who I am yet or who I am supposed to be. So, if I could decide I would be a famous peace advocate working hard daily to bring peace and prosperity to the world, but not as a ruler of the free world more of as a guide to help every person understand each other. I guess I am going to be doing that now just on a much smaller scale. I am going to college to be a mediator, someone who takes nobody's side and calls it down the middle, and helps people to make the best decisions that are good for everyone. I would love to be a person who does everything correctly and is looked up to by someone. But that doesn't look like that will happen. Anyways lesson learned, try not to be too critical on yourself not everyone can be a famous advocate for peace, in fact I don't think I have ever heard of one at all.

What would you decide? Let us know on Face Book or Twitter! Or just leave a comment below. Thanks for reading and Have a great week!

The Great What If...

There is a movie called What If? it is avaiable on Netflix, if you haven't seen it or heard of it. "15 years ago, Ben Walker left his girlfriend and his ministry calling for a business opportunity. Now with a high-paying career and a trophy fiancé, he is visited by an angel, who gives him a glimpse into what his life would look like had he followed his calling." Below is the trailer...take a peek at it.
If you aren't up on Christian movies, there is another movie with the same primise called "The Family Man" "A fast-lane investment broker, offered the opportunity to see how the other half lives, wakes up to find that his sports car and girlfriend have become a mini-van and wife."

These two men are given a glimpse of what their lives could've been, had they made different choices in their lives, so I ask our readers, would you have a different life, or wish you would've made different choices in your life?

As for me, I probably would've made some changes but not many, but then again I'm only 24 years old. I guess if I were to change some of the choices I made, maybe try a little harder to get along with my step parents before I did. Got my licences when I was 16 like most of my friends, probably got a job then too, becasue trying to find a job now, with absolutly no job experince is rough, even though I have a college degree.

If I were to have a great what if... I'm not sure how different my life would be, what would've changed, what wouldn't change, but it is fun to think about.

So to Jonathan and our readers, if you were given the great what if, what would yours be like? Let us know @AllisonKClark88 and @TheOfficialJCC and let us know if you have any ideas for next weeks blogs let us know.

Going Home for a While.

So some of you know that I will be going home to Ontario, New York for a while. While I am there I will take a ton of pictures and show all of you guys where I am from, since many of you haven't seen it. It may come as a shock to you that not all of New York is a huge city, but where I come from is rather small and peaceful. So I just wanted to let you know that I would still blog weekly with Allison and that I will also be posting extra blogs filled with pictures and stories of my adventures. So that is something to look forward to. Thanks for reading and I will be posting form New York, next week.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Have you ever been addicted to a show that was removed from television and you wondered why?

Everyone has their favorite shows, and they are all addicting. One of my favorite shows that was cancelled was CSI: Miami, but CBS killed the show when they moved it from Monday night to Sunday night. I enjoy all the CSI franchise but there was something about Miami, the cast was so great even after Speedle got killed, the story lines were so great, charcter interactions were great. CSI Miami had a great balance on the charcter interactions as well as keeping the police proceedure going. One plus is that all 10 season of CSI Miami are on Netflix so I still get to watch it.

Image Source images.yahoo.com
A few others Numb3rs, Charmed, and Dead Like Me.
So readers, what shows have been cancelled that you miss. let us know @AllisonKClark88 and @TheOfficialJCC

Have you ever been addicted to a show that was removed from television and you wondered why?

Have you ever been addicted to a show that was removed from television and you wondered why?
I ran across this question a few times while looking for a topic to blog about. This seems to be because of the rumors surrounding a few television series that may or may not be canceled this summer.

First let me start by listing shows that I was addicted to that were canceled. Starting with my favorite show ever, which would be Fairly Legal, It ran really well on USA Network for a while but was canceled mid season for lack of views. It blows my mind that, a show with such a good story and perfect characters could be canceled. I figured there just weren't enough people who knew about the show. The next show I was addicted to that was taken off the air was Flashpoint. They removed it from the television for about 2 months and then brought it back, thank goodness. I loved Flashpoint for 2 reasons, one it was full of action and who doesn't like a good cop show, also it had Amy Jo Johnson in it, formerly the first pink power ranger! Then AMC was removed from TV and The Walking Dead was gone, but luckily enough people raved to get AMC back and The Walking Dead back. Also IRT: Ice Road Truckers was removed from TV for almost an entire year, but an announcement was made that it will be back this June and I will finally get to see Lisa Kelly again.

Have you ever been addicted to a TV show that was canceled? Let me know your story on FaceBook or Twitter.

Have a question that you would like to see answered on here? Tweet me @TheOfficialJCC on Twitter! Have a great week and we will see you next time. You want to see more blogs head on over to "Ramblings" also by Allison and I.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is Your Ideal Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

I guess I will start by answering the question posed by Allison: "If you had to choose, the nerd or the cheerleader?". I would also have to say the nerd, and here is why, growing up I was rather popular but all of my true friends were a tad on the nerdy side, but they were the greatest friends ever. So I would have been lucky to have any of them as my girlfriend. Unfortunately it didn't happen so no harm no foul. 
Now allow me to describe my ideal girlfriend for you.

I love a woman who is comfortable in her own skin, she can wear jeans or sweatpants, whatever she wants and still be comfortable. I love brunettes, not too big on blonds or red-heads. I want a girl who is in to diversity and is someone whom I can have an educated conversation with, but still have fun. I want a woman who is confident in herself as well as in me, and I want a woman who is supportive and kind. To me looks do not matter much, personality and attitude matter a lot. I don't want a girlfriend who is obsessed with something like religion. Getting right down to it there are not that many women in the world that I could honestly say are "ideal" for me. It is sad that I am so picky but if a women doesn't think before doing something then that is an automatic no in my book. 

However I agree with Allison, as I too have dated people far from my ideal, because there are few who meet my ideal standards. Granted I will probably continue to date people from outside of my ideal girlfriend. I get friend-zoned a lot by women that I would consider ideal, and that sucks. But you can't define your life by how many girlfriends you've had or by how your girlfriend looks, they aren't property, they are humans with free will and deserve to be treated as such. 

What is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?

This was a topic chosen by a twitter follower, if you have a topic you would like us to do, please tweet us at @AllisonKClark88 or @theofficialjcc and let us know

Ok here is the deal, I could sit here and describe the perfect guy for me, however the odds are that I would never find him or if I did he would either already be married or gay. So to go along with the topic if I were to describe the perfect guy: a country boy, nice abs, sweet, knows how to treat a lady, but can stand up for himself, and still take care of me. So doing that, I pretty much described every southern boy there is, and my odds of ending up with someone like that are slim to none. I understand someones need to personalize everything including their significant other, but there are just somethings that shouldn't be or can't be personalized like that. My main reason for saying this I have had two serious boyfriends in my life and neither of them fit this description. So if I would describe my ideal mate, it would have to be inter qualities, not looks; a lot of women would turn down a man if he didn't fit her ideal looks, the bad part is the man who does fit her ideal looks, wouldn't treat her any where near as great as the one who didn't. So you have a choice of two guys; the nerd, he will treat you like a princess; then you've got the jock, he may be better looking but he knows he's good looking and he is more than likely going to treat you like a princess, but you probably aren't his only princess. So if I had to choose between the nerd and the jock, I would have to choose the nerd.

So I'm posing a question to Jonathan: If you had to choose, the nerd or the cheerleader? Or What is your Ideal girlfriend? And to our readers; Nerd or Jock/Cheerleader? or what is your ideal mate? Let us know on twitter. @AllisonKClark88 or @TheOfficialJCC

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

What Dinosaur are you?

I don't really know that much about dinosaurs so had to do a little research and took the test at http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=whichdino and apparently I am a T-Rex, Jonathan what do you think about this? 

If you are dinosaur illitare like me, according to http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/prehistoric/tyrannosaurus-rex/ a t-rex is, "Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs that ever lived. Everything about this ferocious predator, from its thick, heavy skull to its 4-foot-long (1.2-meter-long) jaw, was designed for maximum bone-crushing action.
Fossil evidence shows that Tyrannosaurus was about 40 feet (12 meters) long and about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 meters) tall. Its strong thighs and long, powerful tail helped it move quickly, and its massive 5-foot-long (1.5-meter-long) skull could bore into prey.
T. rex's serrated, conical teeth were most likely used to pierce and grip flesh, which it then ripped away with its brawny neck muscles. Its two-fingered forearms could probably seize prey, but they were too short to reach its mouth.
Scientists believe this powerful predator could eat up to 500 pounds (230 kilograms) of meat in one bite. Fossils of T. rex prey, including Triceratops and Edmontosaurus, suggest T. rex crushed and broke bones as it ate, and broken bones have been found in its dung.
Tyrannosaurus rex lived in forested river valleys in North America during the late Cretaceous period. It became extinct about 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction."

This photo is from Yahoo! I hold no rights. Thanks
I don't know about that, about me being a t-rex, maybe Rex from Toy Story!

This Photo is from Yahoo! I hold no rights. Thanks
So what Dinosaur are you? Take the test and find out. Let us know on Twitter. If you have any ideas for next week's blog tweet us @AllisonKClark88 or @TheOfficialJCC

What Is This About Dinosaurs?

So, I know it has been a while since the last time I have blogged, but I think we have a strange but interesting question to answer for today's blog.
From one of my Twitter followers: "If you had to pick a dinosaur, that represents you as a person, what dinosaur would you pick to be? Why?"
Now I had to do a ton of research into dinosaurs to see which dinosaur fit me the best.
So I went here: http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=whichdino and took a dinosaur personality test, though I am well aware that there is no way of knowing the true personalities of something that lived over 750 million year ago.
Anyways my results came out that I am more like an Ankylosaurus, An Ankylosaurus is a large herbivore, meaning they only eat plant life. They look much like this.

This picture was taken from google. I have no rights to this picture. Thank You.
I didn't really see my self as being one of these dinosaurs but I guess you never really know what these guys thought like, never know I could be just like them. According to archaeologists they are known for traveling alone and are typically very shy. They have armor on their backs to protect them from a direct attack from a carnivorous dinosaur. However, they have a club like thing on their tail that they can use if they are forced to.

Take the test, Find out what Dinosaur you are and then tweet me @TheOfficialJCC and let me know your results. Have any new topics you want discussed also tweet me or @AllisonKClark88! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Week Two: Did The Walking Dead Make a Mistake with Season 3?

WARNING: If you have not see AMC'S The Walking Dead Season 3 all the way through, then please do not read this, this article contains spoilers!!!!!! This is your only WARNING!!!!!

I would have to agree with Allison 100%! Seeing as Andrea was my favorite character on the AMC's The Walking Dead! I was furious when out of nowhere they killed off a fan favorite like Andrea. I would like to tell the producers this: "Now that you have 'possibly' killed off Andrea, if you EVEN THINK OF KILLING Michonne I will be even more angry!!!!!! Just saying!"

By taking that huge leap and cutting a huge fan favorite like Andrea they probably lost a few fans, I am not saying that the show is going to crap, because even without Andrea I am still looking forward to Michonne kicking some more ass in season 4! Even with the loss of a great character like Andrea, I feel  they really stepped up in making Michonne a member of the group, In case you can't tell Michonne is now my favorite character! (Andrea will live forever in our hearts!)

Another thing I didn't like was the role they have put Carl, Rick's son, in. Why would you turn that young boy into a psycho. Granted for a while in season 3 Carl's dad was a psycho also, so maybe like father like son?? LOL. And what was that crap with Laurie? She died and then came back as a pregnant ghost even though she had her baby before she was actually dead, use your brain she wouldn't be pregnant as a ghost!!!!

A few things that they did well would have to be: 1.) Michonne is a strong, independent, quite character just like Andrea so it was a pretty good replacement but not too good. 2.) Merle died the first time in an honorable way! That is before he became a walker.

Other than some of the bad things, like killing off Andrea, the season was amazing and I for one cannot wait for season 4 to get here! GO TEAM MICHONNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not claim to own nor own the rights of this picture! It belongs to the creators of AMC's The Walking Dead! 

Week two: Did The Walking Dead Make a Mistake with Season 3?

I believe The Walking Dead made a huge mistake with season 3. The first obvious mistake was killing Andrea off, Andrea was a huge fan favorite in the comics as well as on the show. Note to the producers: if you want to keep your fan base, don't kill off your fan favorites, kill off your villains so instead of killing off Andrea kill the Governor! DUH!

Ok killing off a fan favorite in both the comics and the show was stupid, but killing off just a character that was created for the show such as Daryl and Merle would be the better choice. They did kill Merle off in the episode before Andrea, how ever I know that many many people said they would stop watching the show if they kill off Daryl they would stop watching the show. I read somewhere (Can't remember) that the show would lose about 87% of their viewer base if Daryl dies, so that I assume is the reason why he hasn't been killed off. So why not take from those statistics and not kill off your fan favorite characters.

I'm not going to say that killing Merle was a mistake, some of the characters have to die and I'm glad he went out in a good way and didn't turn Michonne over to the Governor. I did read an article on The Walking Dead Forums and it stated that "AMC has said that no one is safe" meaning at any time any of the characters can die, but really killing off a fan favorite in the season 3 finale, really don't you think that it was pushed a little far?

Take a look at the article here:

Tell us if you think AMC pushed it too far by killing Andrea off in the finale. Let us know on twitter @AllisonKClark88 or @Theofficialjcc

Monday, April 01, 2013

Week One: Which Came First? The Chicken OR The "Chicken" Egg?

The conumdrum: The chicken or the egg? Which came first? I believe that the answer comes down to what you believe? Religion or science? Ok so according to Jonathan's video, the egg came first, however if you believe in the religion side, God created the first chicken just like he created Adam and then Eve. Then on the science side, just like described in the video in the previous post by Jonathan, the egg is created by the ovaries of a chicken but where did the first chicken come from?

I agree with Jonathan but not for the same reason obviously mine is the religion, God created the first of everything else, so why not the first chicken? So I believe the chicken came first.

Question of the week: Are you #teamchicken or #teamegg? Let us know by tweeting @AllisonKClark88 or @Theofficialjcc

Week One: Which Came First? The Chicken? OR The "Chicken" Egg?

So, this is the start of our new blog, where we will be discussing nothing and everything at the same time!
As you can see this week we will begin with a question that has baffled millions of researchers, Which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg.
In my opinion the chicken must have came first. The OV-17 found in a chicken's egg has ONLY ever been found in the ovaries of a chicken. There for the chicken egg could not have been made with out the chicken, but how was the first chicken made then? Now I am confusing myself. Anyways check out the video I will be posting from YouTube on the matter.

Question of the week: Are you #teamchicken or #teamegg ? Let us know on twitter by tweeting @Theofficialjcc or @AllisonKClark88!